Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Someone at the Port of Long Beach has a brain

From my blog post of September 19th regarding the new truck plan at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.

"The incentive program offers $20,000.00 for each new truck a company puts into service from Oct 2008 until Oct 2009, provided the truck is privately funded (don't ask me what that means), AND the company must commit that truck will make an average of 6 trips per week for 5 years."

So someone at the Port of Long Beach woke up and realized these truckers can't buy new trucks with private money. I suppose the "new" credit crunch prompted this, unless they read my blog (ha).

From the Port of Long Beach web-site:

"On October 1, the oldest trucks, 1988 and older, were banned from Port service. By 2012, all trucks must meet 2007 emission standards. To assist truck owners with the cost of replacing their vehicles, the Port has established a cargo fee, paid by cargo owners. The fee will generate revenue to subsidize truck replacement. The fee ($35 for cargo containers that are 20-feet-long or smaller, and $70 for all other containers) will be assessed beginning in the coming weeks. Additional funding is coming from the Port and the state, through Proposition 1B and the California Air Resources Board."

I don't know if the Port of Los Angeles has done the same, but I suspect they have, or will.


Anonymous said...

Maybe they have been reading your blog.

Lynda Applegate said...

Thanks for the kind words, but I doubt it.

Apparently this also applies to the port of Los Angeles. I don't know why they haven't played it up more.