Friday, December 26, 2008

Germans capture, then release, Pirates

I have never understood people who catch fish and then release them. Really, why go to all that bother if you aren't going to eat the fish?

I know, it's a sport.

The German Navy caught some pirates, but then released them.

I don't think it's a new sport. The news report came out on Christmas, but apparently that was not the motive for the release.

He said the decision not to detain or arrest them was taken by the German government in Berlin.

A spokesman for the EU's mission off Somalia, Cdr Achim Winkler, told the BBC's Europe Today programme that Germany would only bring pirates to justice where German interests were hurt.

This would be the case if a German ship was attacked or German citizens were killed or injured, he said.

Truth be told, people are probably having trouble figuring out who to turn them over to, and how.

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